Non-Academic Work Experience

Senior Associate

I am currently working as a Senior Associate at Scyne Advisory. Some work I have done in this role includes:

Engineering Manager

In March 2013 I was placed in charge of the engineering department at Freo Group Pty Ltd, I worked in this role until March 2015 when I moved to Canberra to complete a masters degree in mathematics. In addition to still performing the duties of a Cranes & Lifting Engineer my new duties included:

Cranes & Lifting Engineer

From February 2011 to February 2013 I was a cranes & lifting engineer at Freo Group Pty Ltd. My main responsibility was the development of basic to comprehensive lift studies with AutoCAD for cranes up to 750 tonne. Other duties included:

Postal Delivery Officer

From 2007 to 2010 I worked part-time as a postal delivery officer for Australia Post while completing my Bachelor of Engineering.